Search Macaron Honey

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yesterday we made Tarte aux pommes, a classic apple tart. My tart came out very nice but we didn't have the glaze in our practical room so it's not as pretty as it could have been. Oh well, add it to the growing pile of sweets in my kitchen. The tart is now friends with the two dozen or more diamond cookies. Luckily, I do not have another practical until tomorrow and I will be giving the tart to one of my friends to eat.

Many people give their food to staff at school, some find people in need on the street and some just throw it in the trash which is such a waste but before you judge, some students come from an hour away on the metro. It could be awkward riding the metro with hot food, your school bags, etc. The most awkward take-home dish was the first one, the rustic vegetable soup. It was so hot when we finished and walking a mile home with it was super fun. I was carrying this hot soup that keeps sloshing around and people were blatantly (more than usual) staring at me and the strange concoction that I was carrying. However, it was worth it to have for dinner at home that night (and the next).

Tarte aux pommes

1 comment:

Niniface Jones said...

I think its awesome you are doing this Shell. I can't wait to visit and enjoy your creations first-hand.