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Saturday, June 21, 2008

No wine after 9?

Last night a group of LCB students went out to celebrate completing our first week. We decided to do as everyone else in Paris on a nice night and hang out along the Seine. It was gorgeous. Everyone lounging along the river on the bridges or just along the quai. The bridge we were on was packed with people sitting down on the bridge drinking wine (some with a full picnic--jealously!) just hanging out. Great scene.

The packed bridge.

Unfortunately, my roommate and I arrived sans wine so we had to venture out and find a store to buy some. Long story short: We walked around for an hour through various neighborhoods, had an interesting conversation with some cops to find out where we could buy wine at this time of night, until we found a Daily Monop that was open. We excitedly ran into the store and went directly to the wine section. There was a huge sign with the section chained off. The sign said that alcohol sales were prohibited after 9pm in that area! We were so mad and frustrated. We were told we could get on the Metro and travel for 10 minutes to Republique to buy wine even though all the bars in the area were selling. We bought water and a snack and left.

Finally, 5 minutes away from where we started, we found a tabac that let us buy one of their bottles of white wine. We went back to the bridge which was still packed and hung out and watched the glitter of the tour effiel light show. Then, off to bars, getting lost and finally getting home.

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